What is a session with you like?

As a very practical and grounded person, a session with me seems just like having a conversation over coffee – with a dose of laser-like clarity and positive energy in the mix.

Clients describe feeling incredibly safe and trusting in speaking with me about their deepest fears, doubts and problems. I offer the guidance I am receiving fthrough the course of the conversation and oftentimes I will be guided to offer energy work. This involves taking my client on a guided meditation that is layered with Source clearing energy to help them feel more available and optimistic about the solution that is at hand.

Clients report feeling super relaxed and calm and much more optimistic about their future. People enjoy my sessions very much and the most frequent thing I hear at the end of a session is, “When can we do this again?!”

What type of people are best suited for this type of work?

People who benefit most from this work are open, curious and truly interested in making forward momentum.  I work especially well with those who spiritually awake and are comfortable with leading edge concepts, understanding that there’s so much more to life than meets the eye.

How long are the sessions? Do I have to live in your city to meet with you?

My services are global and I speak with clients all over the world. Session times vary from 1.5 hours to all day when I visit corporate clients in person.

How often do we meet?

It depends. I encourage everyone to try a 1.5 hour Introductory Session via telephone as a first step in order to get a sense of how I work and what can be accomplished in a very short period of time.

Corporate clients hire me on retainer and together we decide the frequency of our interactions typically combining in person and telephone meetings.

How much does working with you cost?

I offer my services on a retainer basis for corporations who need a fresh perspective directed at solving their work-related challenges.

The complexity of the issue and the time I am needed either on site or available via phone dictates the pricing. I work closely with my clients and do not over book my calendar so I can be available just in time as challenges arise. The best way to get a sense of how I work is to sign up for a 1.5 hour session and get a taste of it. You can do that by clicking here.

How do I get started?

I offer an Introductory Session so that people can experience the benefits for themselves. To learn more about it, visit here.

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